God weaves love throughout the experiences we enjoy in this community of Faith and the diverse ways in which we worship.
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Cathedral
A spoken and quiet, peace-filled Eucharist celebration that soothes the soul
9:00 AM Contemporary Holy Eucharist - Cathedral
This service offers contemporary music and feel
Sunday School - Good Shepherd Chapel
We offer children pre-school through 5th grade friendship, community, and religious education using the Godly Play curriculum
10:45 AM Holy Eucharist - Cathedral & Virtual
Our traditional Sunday service with Holy Eucharist and a full Cathedral Choir fills the heart and sometimes lifts the rafters. One can expect fine preaching and choral music that inspires. Service archive
12:30 PM Santa Eucaristía en Español - Cathedral & Virtual
Enjoy this beautiful service celebrated in Spanish
Conoce más sobre nuestros Ministerios Latinos
Tuesday - Morning Prayer
Wednesday - Healing Eucharist
Thursday - Morning Prayer
Friday - Morning Prayer in Spanish - Viernes Oración Matutina
1st, 3rd, 5th Saturday of the Month
5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Sayre Chapel
2nd Saturday of the Month
5:00 PM Celtic Eucharist - Cathedral
A Eucharist celebration in the Celtic spirit for renewal and peace
4th Saturday of the Month
5:00 PM Celtic Spirituality Night - Cathedral
Our Celtic Experiences bring peace, hope-filled reflection in the Celtic Spirit and promise to carry you to places of deeper reflection and restoration.
Learn more about our Celtic Services