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  • “O Sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the whole earth. Sing unto the Lord and praise his Name; be telling of his salvation from day to day.” Ps. 96:1-2

  • “Praise him in the sound of the trumpet: praise him upon the lute and harp. Praise him in the timbrels and dances: praise him upon the strings and pipe.” Ps. 150:3-4

  • “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; let the whole earth stand in awe of him.” Ps. 96:9


Music is at the heart of Christian worship. The Old Testament attests to the presence of singing and instruments at the Temple in Jerusalem. The Psalms, ancient hymns expressing the full range of human emotion in the face of the divine, are full of verses urging us to worship our God through music. One of Jesus’ final acts with his disciples was to sing Psalms after the Last Supper. In the early church, singing was a vital part of building community and passing on prayers and hymns through music; to this day, we continue to sing texts that are now millennia old. When we sing and make music to God, we join our voices in the eternal song of worship. Through the music of the church, with repertoire spanning millennia, we connect with our Christian fellows across space and time.

Music at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity is centered in the Cathedral tradition, originating in the Anglican choral legacy and augmented with the music from throughout the Christian tradition. Hymns, anthems and motets come from a rich selection ranging from centuries-old music to compositions written in the last decade. Organ repertoire is chosen to reflect on the theme of the Mass, whether through its mood or musical symbolism. The marriage of
congregational, choral, and organ music in this beautiful Cathedral aims to create a space of reverence and transcendence so that the worshipper may find themselves spiritually challenged, nourished, and renewed.

The Cathedral is brimming with music. It can be heard at every liturgy each week and at concerts throughout the year. We aim to bring music and beauty to all, as a manifestation of the truth that all are welcome in God’s kingdom.

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