Adult Formation
Adult Forum
The Adult Forum will resume in the Fall. Archived Adult Forums.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
Education for Ministry (EfM) offers a four-year course, covering the basic subjects of theological education: Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), New Testament, Church History, and Theological Choices (a study of theological trends and movements in the Church). Participants register for one year at a time. Students meet locally in seminar groups of six to twelve participants and a trained mentor(s), who meet weekly for two to three hours during a nine-month academic year. Participants are given weekly assignments to study with the help of resource guides. In the seminars, members have an opportunity to share their insights and discoveries and discuss questions that the study materials raise for them through discussion and guided reflection. By examining their beliefs and their relationship to our culture and the tradition of our Christian faith, participants can learn what it means to be effective Christians worldwide. A life of prayer and regular worship supports the seminar. The current one-year fee per student in a group is $340.00 (plus a $10.00 processing fee) which pays for the Education for Ministry Reading and Reflection Guide, and an honorarium for the mentor. There is an additional charge for the books read throughout the year. There are no examinations or papers. EfM does not grant college credits. You can find more information on EfM’s website efm.sewanee.edu .
A group will meet at The Cathedral Church of the Nativity on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 pm starting in September 2024.
For more information on EfM at Nativity contact EfM Mentor Olivia Tramontana at otram77@gmail.com or EfM Mentor and Diocesan Coordinator Cathy Bailey at cathybaileynnp@gmail.com .