Cathedral Staff

Elizabeth Christie
Sunday School Director
Elizabeth Christie has been working in the field of children’s and family ministries for over two decades. She has served in a variety of ministry settings as both staff and consultant, finding great joy in helping make lifelong faith formation transformational for all. Her particular passion is making ministries inclusive for all of God’s children. Elizabeth has presented at children’s ministries conferences, written resources on special needs ministries, led webinars on a wide variety of topics in children’s and family ministries, and learned on her feet as she worked through the pandemic, helping a congregation grow their children’s and family ministries over 300 percent. Elizabeth is also the children’s and family ministries consultant for Practical Resources for Churches, charged with running cohorts for children’s ministers across the country, and as curriculum writer and developer for PRC’s newest ministry, Holy Moments, resources designed for supporting parents and caregivers as the primary leaders of their children’s faith. Elizabeth has been married to Tom, a librarian at Muhlenberg College, for almost 23 years, sharing their lives with their seven amazing children.

Nadia Ordonez
Director of Operations and Administration
Nadia is our bilingual Director of Operations and Administration, she works to make sure that everything is done in the Cathedral. She works closely with the cathedral's Dean and staff to support the church's work and ministry.

José Méndez
Facilities Manager
As Natividad's Facilities Manager, José oversees all operations that help allow the church to run smoothly. Whether scheduling routine inspections, repairing or replacing equipment, or managing part-time staff, José acts as the church's administrator, ensuring the longevity of its infrastructure and campus for generations to come.

Connie Gilbert
Thrift Shop Coordinator
Connie manages all aspects of the thrift shop. From receiving and sorting donations, to overseeing the thrift shop volunteers and staff. Connie also works on partnering with other south side agencies and ministries.
Thrift Shop: 610-867-6764

Bill Korp
Winston Alozie
María Flores-Barahona
Neftalí Méndez
Waldina Orellana

Barbara Beal, Sr. Warden (2026)
Alan Burke, Jr. Warden (2026)
Don Appleton, Treasurer
Tori Aitchison (2027)
Cathy Bailey (2027)
Nolman Bonilla (2027)
Richard Guyer (2025)
Harry Johnston (2026)
Joe Mozingo (2025)
Lauren Quiel (2025)
Heather Scattergood (2025)
Lee Snyder (2027)
Barbara Solito (2026)