Nativity Cathedral
321 Wyandotte Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Office: 610-865-0727 |

Weekly Services:

Worship & Formation Opportunities
Sunday in the Cathedral

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist (spoken)

9:00 AM Holy Eucharist (contemporary)

9:45 AM Sunday School and Adult Formation

10:45 AM Holy Eucharist (traditional music)
Cathedral & Virtual

12:30 PM Santa Eucaristía en Español

7:00 PM Anglican Prayer Bead Meditation
Zoom Meeting ID: 811 2302 4927
Passcode: 785220
Zoom Link

Weekdays at 9 AM - Sayre Chapel
Tuesday - Morning Prayer
Wednesday - Healing Eucharist
Thursday - Morning Prayer
Friday - Morning Prayer in Spanish - Viernes Oración Matutina

1st, 3rd, 5th Saturday of the Month
5:00 PM Holy Eucharist
Sayre Chapel

2nd Saturday of the Month
5:00 PM Celtic Eucharist

4th Saturday of the Month
5:00 PM Celtic Spirituality Night

Nativity News

Nativity Stewardship Campaign
Rooted in Abundance
Information here
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The Cathedral?
Check out our Calendar

Living the Story

Cathedral Church of the Nativity is Living the Story as a:
Welcoming Haven, Caring Community, Nurturing Space for Children and Youth, and a Congregation Committed to Serving.

We invite you to come along and be part of the story.

Nativity Cathedral

Nativity Cathedral
© 2024 Nativity Cathedral
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